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Give Viral Marketing A Chance !

==== Copy and Paste below this line ====


Important Update - Please read here!

1.) Copy and paste(for those of you using blogger post in the compose tab, not the edit html tab, of your post editor) the matrix of “ViralTags” below courtesy of Founders Cafe (to support Jimmy’s quest of launching his own Internet Startup with a shoestring budget, please consider subscribing to his Full RSS Feed to see his triumphs and struggles in real time).

2.) Substitute the Host Tag and one of the “Viral Tags” in the matrix with your anchor text of choice with your blog’s URL. Please keep anchor text to a max of 3 words to keep the matrix size manageable.

3.) When you get a ping back from someone that has your link in one of their “Viral Tags”, practice good karma by copying his/her Host Tag’s anchor text (automatically the associated link will also be copied) and paste it over one of your “Viral Tags” below.

4.) Encourage and invite your readers to do the same and soon this can grow virally.

Host Tag: Profitable Productive Blogging

International City Travel Asian Celebrity News One Million Shirts Tech at Hand Rich Minx Internet Marketing Austria Ageless Beauty Web 2.0 Tutorials Technology Music Life infokarir jobs Manila Mom Link Love Blogging Money Secret Internet Startup Blog Web Design Blog Daily Life Technology Make Money Blogging Steve’s Tech Blog Agloco Internet Marketing Daily Bulls Investing Tech Gadgets Stocks Affiliate Program Computer Seventy-Five Learn about e-Learning Tech Hack Ramblings Jack Book Screen Writer Guy Overseas Filipino Worker Profitable Productive Blogging Startup Entrepreneur Money Blog Plus Ultra Reyna Elena Earn Money Online Really Smart Guy Earn Income Online Day Mind Xpression Entrepreneurship Internet Web Make Money Blogging Create a Blog Pie Hole start a blog Make Money Blogging Marketing Made Simple Tech Startups Web2.0 Cowboy's Wife Life Making money online Build Rankings Fast Mrs Sparrow Hot Buzz Weight Loss Really Funny Jokes Best of Blogs The Junky’s Wife Internet Marketing German German - USA Domain Development Blogs Sundhed og Helbred Giving Link Love Business Blog Web Photoshop Tutorials Anitokid Chronikos Klapkids Chronikos esofthub’s web finds Everything iPod Jason’s Random Thoughts Fun Web Development Monetize Your Blog Yung Silent Whisper Greg Stratz My Journey Political Social Media Running Fitness Marathons Syafrizal Malaysian Stocks INC Wealth Blog Music Videos Gadgets & Technology Make Money Home secret attract gratitude The Broken Bow Father of One Marketing Blog Fanatic Space Cheezmizan with Chuva Anything Goes! Master Engrafter Anything n Everything Mariuca's Perfume Gallery Affordable Graphic Design Brainybimbo I am Balong Yummy Silicon Chips Technology for Humans Make Money Online West Virginia The Third Eye Blogging For Money Social Media Webtools Dead People Blogging News & Reviews Jehzlau Concepts Tech Lock-Rahul Motiveless Crime Pro Audio Matrix Angelblush Nostalgia Manila Maryannaville Paid to blog First Time Dad Blogger Whale Learning Without Limits Digital I.T Blong Make Money Online The Biggest Loser Nessa-Mumblings Nonsense & Tears AGLOCO HOURS A Great Pleasure Composed Gentleman MSU Spartan Sports snapshots of life Kosmatka Science Fiction Syaf The Geek Speedcat Hollydale Daily tech notes Free stuff RideIt LikeYou StoleIt SEO Blog laketrees Resource Economics My Murphy's Law DanAtMeDog's Vox Simple Life Monkey Wong An Anonymous Journal Thoughts to blogs The Millionaire Secrets DreamerBigMoney This is miracle MeL She Rambles On Wildheart's Works ineptuser PantherModerns Useful Blogging Tips my lucky day Daves Blog MUSIC@MISYA DreamerBigMoney Wired PR Works Tips On Blogging tunisnewsar Weblog Stuff Blogging Blog Writer Web Safety the QuickStop Bubba Sounds Off Left in Aboite Creationist’s Fantasy MeL-o Romantic Tips 101 Flea Market Treasures and More Diary of a Smart Woman Better Mom101 Todays Web-Freebies Kitchen Delites Letters From The Soul A.D.D. Chick LifeIsRisky.Com

Important: Once I get a ping back from you (I promise to do the best I can), I will add your anchor text and the associated link you designate as “Host Tag” here, replacing one of the “ViralTags” from the matrix above. As more and more bloggers copy and paste this matrix, the more backlinks you will have with your anchor text. If everybody who copy and paste from your blog does the same, pretty soon this will spread and go viral. So, the sooner you participate, the more links with anchor text you will receive.

======== Copy and Paste from Above this line ========


None of the viral tags are showing links. I think you may have did it wrong.
Proletariatof1 said…
you have to paste into the "compose" tab and not the "Edit HTML" tab. Thanks for the heads up.
roundouts said…
how do you know I pinged you and visaversa?
Proletariatof1 said…
what it being talked about in the post is a wordpress option that allows the author to be notified whenever a post is linked to. wordpress supports pings or pingbacks blogger does not. i did some coding for support of autodetect and use haloscan for manual pings.
Novice Blogger said…
Hi! Thanks for the add. Included you to my grid.
Proletariatof1 said…
you could also just use technorati blog reactions as these are essentially pingbacks.
Anonymous said…
I've just changed my tag host so you can now add me to your matrix.
roundouts said…
yes, after I poked around for awhile I realized that the blog reactions in technorati were essentially ping backs. ;)
NIHAL said…
Hi there.

I've just joined the Viral Tag Link and your site is listed on my page. Hope you would reciprocate this back.

Thanks in advance.
Mariuca said…
Hi, I've added you to mine as well, pls link me up! Thanks and have a great day! :)
Anonymous said…
There's a new one!

It's called VIRAL TAGS!

Copy it from my blog so that I can add you to my matrix!
hi, i have linked to you on my Social Media blog as part of the viralinks chain.

Was wondering if you could link back.
anchor: Social Media

Cheers, PN
A Silken Touch said…
I have added you to the four blogs of mine.
The Third Eye:
Earn Money on Internet:

Could you please add my four blogs to the mesh.

Proletariatof1 said…
i am trying to keep it to one link per person so i added your "third eye" simply because it sounded cooler than the rest :)
A Silken Touch said…
Could you please link webtools as well, because that is my primary blog.
JaypeeOnline said…
THanks for the link love! Btw, can you please edit my tag and change it to "Blogging News & Reviews" instead of JaypeeOnline.Net? Thanks! :)
Proletariatof1 said…
if i have the time folks
wj said…
thank you for the link cmanlong

Interesting Observations
Anonymous said…
Got your message cman, thanks! I'm also glad that I followed you here because I certainly didn't understand how I would know if I got pinged or who pinged me.
~:o) Now I know what's what and who's who.

Ring a ding ping...
Kassper said…
I have added you to my list on both of my sites, can you please add them to your list? - Anchor: Make Money Online - Anchor: Make Money Blog

Thank you very much.
thanks for the link! Hv a Great Day! :)
Massimiliano F said…
Hi ! My tag is:

MF (stealing cameos from the Web)

Are you interested in viral icons ?
If so, send me a message at:
Novice Blogger said…
hi cman!

you may want to check another collaboration scheme:

Yasmin said…
Hi there,

Thanks for your message on the 22nd. Maybe you've been busy, but I can't seem to find my tag "Good Jokes" in your list.

Thanks Dear :)
I have posted your link into both of my blogs....and linked into you...hope you will do the same

they are

Thanks a million!
Anonymous said…
Hey there, I just added you url and tag to my viral matrix. I was hoping you would return the favor by adding my url- and tag-Huma B~ to your matrix. Thanks and good luck!
X'tina said…
Thank you for the link cmanlong, It's good feeling man.
Proletariatof1 said…
no problem. i am just getting sooooo many pings i'm having trouble keeping up
JeanGrey said…
Thanks for adding me... =)

Anyone interested in viral tag exchange? here's mine.

Wordpress supports pingback so it's much easier for me to add you if you will add my wordpress link.

Thanks again!

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