After being sick for most of the last two weeks I am finally starting to get caught up on things. Not only were my online interests suffering but my offline endeavors had been fairly neglected as well. Now that I am feeling better, well relatively, I have been scrambling trying to get back on track. I can hopefully take it easy this weekend a bit and be back to a more normal schedule starting next week. It is hard to believe that the month of February is almost over. I feel like I have missed the whole month. Simply put I look at February as a singularly unproductive month on my part. It pretty much crosses all boundaries too. Not just online but offline, personal fitness, hobbies, self-improvement...pretty much everything just took a tank this month. Obviously I was sick and that played a big part, but that really can't be where all the blame starts and stops. I am not very happy with me as a person this month. Just couldn't get going and then being sick certainly didn't h...
Because You Need To Know What I Think. I Think.