I am all about making the most money and making that money work for me and in turn make me the most money. The less I have to do and the more my money can do for me the better. That is my approach to credit cards if used properly are a very useful, and sometimes, necessary part of life. Credit has become so easily attainable that it has become a large problem for a large amount of people, we are seeing the results of that in the mortgage market now. What do I mean by that? Don't carry a balance! Unless there is a legit emergency you should never carry an interest accruing balance on your credit card. Don't throw money down the drain, which is essentially what you are doing if you are paying interest on your gas, food, gadgets, or whatever else you put on there. If you don't have the money don't charge it. If you must charge it don't charge so much that you can't pay it off. If you won't be able to pay it off don't buy it, again unless it is a legit emer...
Because You Need To Know What I Think. I Think.