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Showing posts from September, 2008

Get Fit & Make Money With XFLOWSION

The other day I wrote an article about a company called XFLOWSION and their picking of PepperJam for their online marketing efforts. Well today I came across this opportunity on SocialSpark and decided to take it. You may not agree but I feel this is a simple little illustration of how you can make money blogging and from affiliate marketing. I can market a product via affiliate sites/blogs, PPC ads, and then make more money from it on a paid posting op like this. Creating multiple income streams for a single product is a great way to strike while the product is hot. I do encourage you to take a look at the XFLOWSION program. It is a great exercise program and is very hot right now in the Hollywood circles. If you have been looking for something to help get and keep you motivated to lose a few pounds this is it! XFLOWSIONâ„¢, with its revolutionary TRIPLE TRAININGâ„¢, is the ONLY exercise program that efficiently and effectively gives you all three workouts in one convenient workout, co...

Big Bloggers Mentioned In US News & World Report

I always like to see the big money bloggers getting exposure. It really just helps the whole blogging community. It lends us credibility and drives traffic. I was perusing the pages of US News & World Report a while back and read an article about making money blogging. In the article they mentioned John Chow , Steve Pavlina and others. I came across the article again today and decided to pass it along to those of you who haven't read it. What do you think of this article? Do you feel that exposure like this benefits just those covered or the blogging community as a whole? later all and have a profitable and productive blogging day Get more profitable and productive information by subscribing to my FEED or clicking the links below to subscribe to my feed, bookmark my site, or add me to your favorites. You also might want to check out my other blog Cman's Cognitive Content .

Get Organized And Blog Better

I mentioned a while back that I was moving. At least I think I did. If not I am moving. One of the reasons that I am moving is so that I have a proper place for my kids. Yep in case you missed I have to wonderful children. Well now that I am back I have the task of getting moved, getting the kids situated in a new school, and getting settled in. I will be a little farther from work but closer to my family so there is some upside. While moving I decided it would be a great time to get the kids things and my stuff reorganized. I have started sorting through clothes, papers, books, dishes, and everything else to cull out what isn't needed. Not only that, necessity warrants a bit of downsizing as space is more of a premium in the new digs. I pretty much have my stuff done now and I am moving on to the kid's things. Between the old stuff and the new stuff I have been purchasing for school it hasn't been easy. I have been using my DYMO Labelmaker and labeling the crap out of... Another Paid Posting Opportunity has a section called blog market that is a paid posting marketplace. I had never heard of them before but came across this article today and visited the site because of it. I signed up and will see what it is and whether or not it is any good. is the article that I read. later all and have a profitable and productive blogging day Get more profitable and productive information by subscribing to my FEED or clicking the links below to subscribe to my feed, bookmark my site, or add me to your favorites. You also might want to check out my other blog Cman's Cognitive Content .

Speak And Your Blog Will Listen

I have this wonderful little program for my iPhone that transcribes spoken word into text. It is called Jott and it is free via the iTunes store. I was using this the other day and thought that wouldn't it be wonderful if I could blog while( Brett Bumeter for pointing out my poor grammar)driving, working out, cooking dinner, or other activities. I know there are times I have flashes of inspiration and I wish I could just get them down on paper. If I could just talk and have my words transcribed for me and then just paste them right into an article it could really be a time saver. What are your thoughts on this? Well I have found a program that does this and wanted to pass that information along to all of you. Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Preferred allows you to not only turn speech into text, but you can use your voice to actually control your common applications like Word, Outlook Express, and Internet Explorer. You can even use it to search the internet or your computer. This ...

Hot New Fitness Program Xflowsion Goes With PepperJam

While they are using PepperJam for their online marketing they have yet to setup an affiliate program through the Pepperjam Network. I really hope they do as I think this product could make me a lot of money considering the buzz that is being generated. If you haven't checked out PepperJamNetwork and the great affiliate programs and service they offer I encourage you to Join the Affiliate Revolution. Not only can you make money from their great programs but they are also offering a $10 Sign On Bonus for All New Pepperjam Network Affiliates. later all and have a profitable and productive blogging day Get more profitable and productive information by subscribing to my FEED or clicking the links below to subscribe to my feed, bookmark my site, or add me to your favorites. You also might want to check out my other blog Cman's Cognitive Content .

Arrogance And Climate Change

I wrote an article on my other blog to stoke the climate change/alternative energy debate a bit. In my article Wind Energy, Climate Change, And Arrogance , I simply talk about how our arrogance leads us to an anthropogenic view of climate change and whether or not we are truly being honest in the debate. Take a minute and read the article and let me know what you think. later all and have a profitable and productive blogging day Get more profitable and productive information by subscribing to my FEED or clicking the links below to subscribe to my feed, bookmark my site, or add me to your favorites. You also might want to check out my other blog Cman's Cognitive Content .

Affiliate Blogging In An Ethical Manner

I have had discussion with fellow bloggers many times on the topic of affiliate marketing via our blogs, paid posting, and paid reviews. Many times the question of ethics comes up and whether or not a blogger promoting products and services can be done in an ethical manner. As an affiliate marketer and a blogger I regularly post about products and services with which I have a relationship. I also do paid posting and reviews. I do have a disclosure policy in place and link to it from my main page. I came across an article today on this very topic and so as not to duplicate I will link over to the article and let you read it. It is on Blogging Tips and the article is Ethics of Affiliate Blogging . The only thing I might have a small issue with from this article is linking to the disclosure policy in each post. Many of the paid posting opps want site wide disclosure only and this in post disclosure would eliminate some very lucrative offers. Another recent article on this topic, ...

Do You Accept Credit Cards?

If you are selling products online direct to customers you should have a merchant account. If you are using PayPal, which I know a lot of folks do, you are being ripped on if you are doing even a moderate amount. Here’s a low cost, hassle-free solution for credit card processing . OnlineChecks offers an unusual program, most companies say they have the best merchant services, but we honestly do. No fees, no contracts, and a free credit card machine. If you have ever looked into getting a merchant account and setting up credit card processing you know that it is a very unusual offer. Most of the time you are having a lease pushed on you, and those offering free terminals usually still have high fees. Not only do they give you a free machine, not charge any fees, and no lease contracts, but you can try the service for free. Here is what you get: * Virtual Terminal - Free! (Process transactions from any PC - A $195.00 Value) * Credit Card Processing Terminal - Free! (A $295.00 Value...

New Winter Olympic Sport! Ice Blogging!

Okay so it really isn't but come on could it be any more boring than curling? Anyway I came across this picture of ice boxing and thought it was kinda funny and decided to post it. I figured what the heck expand our horizons :)... I have decided to expand the postings on my blogs a bit and see what happens. I know I am breaking a cardinal rule of blogging. I have been spotty with posting and traffic has fallen quite a bit and so I decided to try and bring a few new readers in and then go from there. later all and have a profitable and productive blogging day Get more profitable and productive information by subscribing to my FEED or clicking the links below to subscribe to my feed, bookmark my site, or add me to your favorites. You also might want to check out my other blog Cman's Cognitive Content .

Exclusive - Get 25% Off Marketing Materials At

I just wanted to share a few free or low cost ideas on ways to market your online ventures offline. Many bloggers overlook the benefits of promoting offline as well. If you can implement some offline marketing strategies with little or no money that is even better. If you are trying to make money online you certainly don't want to be spending large sums of money offline it just isn't practical for the return you get. Free Offline Marketing Method #1 Do a Google search for customized ink pens, customized promotional items, or something along those lines. You will obviously get a ton of results. Just start clicking on some of the results focusing on sites that offer free samples, or that have a print catalog. In my experience you have the best luck with those. Remember you want free! Okay now that you have found a few go ahead and register with the site. You want them to send you their catalog in the mail. The reason why is that every month or so they also send free samples of...

If A Blogger Falls In A Forest, DoThey Make A Sound?

If your blog falls would anybody know? If you stopped posting and never updated your blog from this moment on would anyone care or notice? Do you ever feel like you are just blogging for only you? Are you blogging just for you? It is something to think about. There are literally millions of blogs with thousands started every day. There are probably thousands of blogs on just about any topic you can imagine. People typing away at their computers in their little corner of the world all trying to impact someone else with words. Are they making any difference whatsoever? Does it matter? Have you started a blog only to let it die? Have you ever tried to resurrect a dead blog?  Okay if a blog like Problogger or  John Chow went away people would notice as they are "mega" blogs especially in the make-money-online crowd. What about blogs like this one? How about the middle-to-upper blogs like My Wooden Spoon , Pajama Professional , Benjamin Patton , or Standout Blogger ? What a...

If You Make It Don't Waste It

If you are going to go to all the trouble to make money online don't waste it. Don't run up credit cards. Don't spend money just on needless gadgets and what not. Unless you are making a killing, but even then it is boneheaded to live above your means. Why do you all think we are in this so-called "mortgage crisis?" People not knowing, and in many cases, not caring to know their limits. If for whatever reason you have gotten yourself in over your head and you haven't damaged your credit beyond that of being able to still obtain a loan you might want to consider debt consolidation. With rates still around 6% and in some cases even lower now would be the time. Not only that with the uncertainty of the economy and the market in general having money in savings is absolutely necessary. Debt consolidation has many variations, from services like debt management, debt settlement, or credit counseling to debt consolidation loans and mortgage refinancing. Typically,...

Thank You As A Marketing Tool

How many times as a kid did you hear your parents remind you to say please and thank you? How many times have you as a parent said exactly the same thing? Why do so many people have problems saying a simple thanks? Are we so busy and distracted in our lives that we just don't think about it anymore? I can't tell you how many times in just the last several days where I have simply held a door, or when I stopped a cart from hitting a vehicle, helped pick a display knocked over by a child, and the person did not say a simple thanks. Oft times they are in such a hurry they quickly speed on their way and ignore the fact that a fellow human being just took some time to lend a hand. In our society we have become so quick to wine and moan when things don't go right, service is bad, or mistakes happen. Conversely we have become MUCH too slow in saying a thanks when things simply go right, service is exceptional, or someone lends a helping hand. Teach your kids to be friendly and...

Need Cash For Your Online Business?

Do you have a small business? Have you formed a corporation for your online ventures? Do you have a merchant account? Are you in need of short term capital to finance a business expense? If you answered yes I have a solution you might want to consider. You should consider a merchant cash advance . This is not even close to a payday loan so don't think that. Through this program your business will receive cash in exchange for the purchase of a small portion of your anticipated future Visa and MasterCard sales. The cash advance will be deposited into your business checking account allowing these funds to be accessible immediately. This is not a loan; it will not require a complicated application process, collateral, or unnecessary fees. You can choose to use your cash advance to fulfill any of your business needs. There is no fixed payment schedule, and repayments are made only when you get paid by your customers. It's the convenient way to get cash right when you need it most...