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Win $50! With The Stripping Aristologist - Contest

NOTE: Due to personal illness I have not been available and therefore have extended the contest through October 31st @ 4:00 PM CST.

Well the September Contest is finally here. I have been pretty much MIA for a little over a week to take care of some offline "stuff." By the way, it is nigh on impossible to blog by cell phone. I am back now though and getting into the groove again and felt like giving something away!

The contest rules are simple. Of course I can't make them totally idiot proof, last month proved that :), because there will always be some "brilliant" idiot that makes it through all the idiot proofing in place. That said here it is. Oh and read everything before doing anything :) .

The Contest

Guess my favorite Gourmet Chef. You don't even have to be right to win! I have been asked many times why I sometimes blog about Boca Java Coffee, La Cense Beef, and Dale and Thomas Popcorn as Seen on Rachel Ray!. Well it is for two reasons. One, as an amateur aristologist I love unique and gourmet foods and I have tried these and really like them. Two, it is about money. Shocking I know, but I am an affiliate marketer.

Now I had a few complaints last month about the subjectivity of the contest, always someone to complain, so I have given it some thought. I like the idea of people guessing something. It is fun and actually requires a bit of thought. That being said this contest will have two ways to win. See the rules below for details.

The Rules

  1. Post an article with your guess on your blog linking back to THIS article using the keywords Stripping Aristologist. There also needs to be one more link back to the home page of this blog using the keywords Profitable Affiliate Marketing.
    Got it? Two links required. Check out Vijay's entry post to get an idea of a good entry.

  2. Example: Profitable Productive Blogging a blog about Profitable Affiliate Marketing is running a contest The Stripping Aristologist where you can win $50 cash and a bonus prize valued at $25. The contest is to guess Cman's favorite gourmet chef. The winner is picked at random from all entries so you don't have to be right to win. If the winner is right however, they will win a bonus prize valued at $25.

  3. Post a comment to this post including your guess and a link to your entry post. I will sequentially assign numbers to the entries in the order the comments are received. These assigned numbers will be your entry number.

  4. To be valid entries must include the post on your blog with your guess and both required links, and the comment with guess and link to your post.

  5. A winning number will be generated at random using the number generator at

  6. Here is the good part. If the random winner also correctly guesses my favorite Gourmet Chef they will win a second bonus prize.

  7. Since I was a bit late with the contest start day I will run it until Monday, October 15, 2007 4:00 P.M. CST.

The Prize!

  1. The random entry winner will receive what we all like the best CASH, $50 to be exact.

  2. If the above winner also correctly guesses my favorite gourmet chef I will award a bonus prize of a $25 gift certificate to their choice of Boca Java Coffee, or Dale and Thomas Popcorn as Seen on Rachel Ray!. Here is a hint Rachel Ray is not the answer.
There it is. Good luck to all of you and if you just can't wait head on over to some of the sites mentioned above and try out some of the great products. Like I said, I have tried them all, love 'em, and highly recommend them.

Related Articles:
Boca Java, Rush Limbaugh And Affiliate Marketing
Dance The Success 2 Step with La Cense
I'll Literally Give You Toast With Jam and $20

Check out this and other Contests at ContestBlogger!

later all and have a profitable and productive blogging day

Get more profitable and productive information by subscribing to my newsletter! or clicking the links below to subscribe to my feed, bookmark my site, or add me to your favorites.


    I'm entered!
    Anonymous said…
    interesting.. but how will you release thec cash prize. i bet its through paypal.. no paypal in our country so i guess i cant join your contest.
    Anonymous said…
    Here's my entry:

    My guess at the gourmet chef is Gordon Ramsey.
    Anonymous said…
    Hi there

    I blogged about your contest on Contest Beat here -

    All we do is write about contests in the blogosphere so hopefully we can send you a few more entries too!

    Regards, Matt.
    Anonymous said…
    I already know I guessed wrong, but oh well. Nice contest anyways!
    Entry here -
    Anton Olsen said…
    I'm in with a guess of Julia Child.
    Anonymous said…
    Great Contest!! I Just wanted to let you know that my subscribers are wanting Blog contest updates so I have now added a section dedicated to this type of contest on my website ( I have added this listing and will also add any new ones that you let me know about. Have a great day!
    Anonymous said…
    I have blogged about your contest HERE

    My guess is: Anthony Bourdain
    Proletariatof1 said…
    Thank you to all of you who have entered. There are some great entries and I wish you all good luck. Spread the word about the contest!
    Anonymous said…
    Alton Brown

    (loved watching him on Food Network when we had tv still)... he was funny, smart, and goofy all at once.

    I blogged your contest too (which you know already. :) Thanks for stopping by!).
    Monday Edition of Contests Galore
    Proletariatof1 said…
    Thanks for stopping by and entering. And once more thanks for mentioning the contest.
    Anonymous said…
    my entry is at

    Also, my guess would be Michael Elsner..

    Do confirm my entry into the contest

    Anonymous said…
    My guess is Rachel Ray! Why Rachel Ray? Because she's the cutest! So bubbly and pretty and she looks great in jeans! (She should show it off more instead of hiding it all the time! Where is Sir Mix-a-Lot when we need some encouragement! ;) )

    My post is here
    Proletariatof1 said…

    thanks for stopping by and entering.

    Rachel is kinda cute isn't she?
    Erz said…
    My guess is Paula Deen.

    Here's my entry:

    Anonymous said…
    Here is my entry:

    My guess is Chef Herve Fucho, if you've ever heard of him. :D
    Proletariatof1 said…

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