UberAffiliate - Using Current Events to Make Money
Paul gives his take on riding current event buzz. I touched on this topic a while back in my article Boca Java, Rush Limbaugh And Affiliate Marketing.
Vandelay Design - 12 Ways to Avoid Blogging Burnout
Blogging burnout can happen when you least expect it. Here are a view tips on how to avoid it, which personally I don't think is entirely possible.
Dirty Little Man - Making Money Productive
Discusses Frugality and Abundance and how to make your money productive with any mindset.
Darren @ ProBlogger - Forget About Page Rank and Build a Better Blog
To the point and also the first video blog post in this series.
The other Cman ;) - How Heavy Is Your Glass Of Water?
And if it is so dang heavy why don't you put it down and rest a while?
Yaro Starak - How To Become An Efficient Procrastinator
Great advice from the Efficient Procrastinator himself.
Michelle aka "Bloggrrl" - Work For What You Believe In, No Matter What
As always Michelle gives her unique perspective. This time she focuses on taking a stand for your beliefs and working for what you believe in.
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