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Blogs, Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
William Shakespeare
I have noticed as I've traveled the blogosphere that too many blogs talk about making money but I have found that too few actually show and tell. They are in my opinion - blogs, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Too many have lost their way. The have become a shell of the blog they were and could be. We the blogging community have become focused on simply building traffic numbers, giving away "stuff" to attract readers, talking about how, when, and what to post, and about our latest dollar amount. What we fail to do is connect with our readers. We need to give more substance and less sound, more instructions, more guidance and less fury.

I am not so vain as to assume I am a blogging expert or an authority on making money online. There are literally hundreds of blogs that you could read about making money online and blogging monetization. There are many that have more posts, write with more finesse and wit, and have a longer track record blogging. I read them, as I am sure you do and should. I read about all the money they are making, conferences they are going to, people they are meeting with, and dinners ate. What I find too little of, are good explanations and instructions on the what, when, where, and how of their success.

Why am I here? Here meaning this small corner of cyberspace. What is my reason, my motivation, for this blog? Is my motivation simply to make myself a little money? No it goes deeper than that for me. Is it because I just feel I have this plethora of knowledge that will astound readers? No I'm learning as I go and simply sharing what I learn.

I have been suffering lately, as I am sure many of you have or maybe are, from what I would call "blog fatigue." I really didn't feel like posting, surfing, commenting or interacting with other blogs. I had to take a step back and examine my position, place my motivations under scrutiny, and regain perspective on the purpose of this blog. Let me state it clearly and succinctly. The purpose is as the title states Profitable Productive Blogging. Now so as to really understand what I mean let us explore together each word a little more deeply.

Not simply profitable in monetary terms, but also in knowledge. Not for me alone, but for all who read. A community of readers striving for personal growth, financial security, and inspiring others to the same. Words that are profitable, useful, for teaching, correcting and training in the art of blogging, so that the blogger may be thoroughly equipped.

Fertile; Blogs that breed success in others. This is a true mark of a successful blog.

Experience and knowledge, substantive, shared with others through the Internet. A collection of a persons thoughts, insights, and wisdom.

To all my fellow bloggers, lets take a minute to evaluate why we are doing what we are doing. We need more blogs focused on substance and centered less on style. As the blogosphere becomes more and more crowded, puff pastry blogs devoid of real substance will be left behind. They are but a "shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more." How many blogs have you seen fade away as their hour on the stage is up? To my readers, I will endeavor to follow my own advice and to offer you real substance, explanations, and mentoring so that we may all become profitable productive bloggers signifying long term success.

Lend me the benefit of your feedback. Do you agree with the article? Do you disagree? Is this blog relevant to you. Am I writing what you are wanting to read and providing information you are looking for? What are some blogs, heck maybe even this one, that in your opinion are maybe lacking a bit in the substance department? Let the debate begin.

later all and have a profitable and productive blogging day

Related Articles:
Are Your Blog Posts A Commodity?
Building A Good Relationship With Your Readers

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Unknown said…
very inspiring article!
Unknown said…
The title cought my eye on digg so I clicked. I'm glad I did. I have been experiencing "blog fatigue" latly. and your post has inspired me to do better.
Proletariatof1 said…
Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate you stopping by and reading the article. I really hope this blog can be a help to you.

later all
Anonymous said…
unfortunately the 'this is how much my blog earns' post has become a bit of an empty promotional tool for some bloggers.

I personally don't mind bloggers telling how much they earn - but think that doing so without consistently giving tips on how they do it to be a bit of a useless post - to their readers anyway.
Proletariatof1 said…
my point exactly. don't just say "I earned 1 bagillion dollars! And You Can Too!" When all the outside is stripped away that is simply a hollow statement. I'll give you a congratulatory pat on the back if you like, but what good did the post do me if it doesn't go a bit deeper and give a more explanation of the steps taken.
Proletariatof1 said…
Thanks for stopping by Darren. Your visit and comments are appreciated very much. I have to say I respect your blog very much because you really take time to help and give instruction. Your blog has been extremely helpful while I have been building this blog.
Anonymous said…
What some of the newer bloggers don't realize is that very few people are interested in reading posts detailing how much you made with program A, B, C etc.

Also, in the long run, none of those posts will bring in traffic, diggs, stumbles or anything else -- because who cares if Joe Blow made $200 last month?

"How to" nuts and bolts articles will bring in traffic in the long run.
Proletariatof1 said…
I don't have any problems with a blogger being transparent with earnings, but they should also be transparent in method as well. I believe the give a fish vs. teach to fish mentality should carry over into blogging.
Proletariatof1 said…
Lucia, thanks for visiting and commenting. I have been visiting your blog often as of late and appreciate your articles and point of view.

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