You can make money online even if you have horrible credit. PayPerPost doesn't run a credit check. Google doesn't run a credit check. Commission Junction doesn't run a credit check. Bad credit can cost you more in interest and make things inconvenient, it can't stop you from making money online. You can start a free blog and begin to monetize it almost immediately. After you begin to build traffic and content and the blog matures you can move into paid posting and ad sales to make even more money. You can use affiliate programs and PPC advertising or just place the links on you sight as way to further increase your income. You can do all this and your credit doesn't matter.
There was a period in my life where I had less than perfect credit. I know for me it really really sucked. I have been able to improve it over time, but during that time it was very difficult at times to do things many people take for granted. Things like buying a car, getting a cell phone, heck even employers are checking credit nowadays. Because of my past struggles I actually have another blog devoted to helping people with bad credit in their daily lives. The blog is Daily Living With Bad Credit. I have information on there about how to purchase computers and other electronics with no interest even for people with bad credit. How to obtain decent financing on auto loans. Even a place where you can buy jewelry.
With the number of "bad credit" consumers in the U.S. growing by the day, there are great resources to help these consumers get back on their feet financially. Another site, other than mine, that I reference quite often is The feature bad credit loans, credit cards, and other resources for people with bad credit. They even have an area for personal loans for people with bad credit. The site allows visitors to compare dozens of bad credit offers from major providers and find the best offer to fit their needs.
later all and have a profitable and productive blogging day
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There was a period in my life where I had less than perfect credit. I know for me it really really sucked. I have been able to improve it over time, but during that time it was very difficult at times to do things many people take for granted. Things like buying a car, getting a cell phone, heck even employers are checking credit nowadays. Because of my past struggles I actually have another blog devoted to helping people with bad credit in their daily lives. The blog is Daily Living With Bad Credit. I have information on there about how to purchase computers and other electronics with no interest even for people with bad credit. How to obtain decent financing on auto loans. Even a place where you can buy jewelry.
With the number of "bad credit" consumers in the U.S. growing by the day, there are great resources to help these consumers get back on their feet financially. Another site, other than mine, that I reference quite often is The feature bad credit loans, credit cards, and other resources for people with bad credit. They even have an area for personal loans for people with bad credit. The site allows visitors to compare dozens of bad credit offers from major providers and find the best offer to fit their needs.
later all and have a profitable and productive blogging day
Get more profitable and productive information by subscribing to my FEED and my newsletter! or clicking the links below to bookmark my site, or add me to your favorites.